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BIG HIKE on Saturday 6th July 2024. Equilibrium Pilates did a Big Hike (26 miles) in the Costwolds raising over £2,200.00 for Cancer Research UK. A very big thank you for all your support.

CHARITY EVENT on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th February 2019. Equilibrium Pilates supported a charity event in support for research into Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Cancer.

PELVIC FLOOR WORKSHOP on Saturday 11th February 2017. Equilibrium Pilates had the pleasure to host another great workshop delivered by Baz Moffat (who is amongst other things a mum, wife, sister, former Team GB rower and now a Women's Health & Fitness Coach) who came to Andover to run one of her inspirational Pelvic Floor Workshops (

PANCREATIC CANCER ACTION is a nationwide charity with a focus on early diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer is sometimes called a 'silent cancer' because the early symptoms are often vague and unrecognised. During November 2016, Equilibrium went purple to support this charity and raise awareness of this disease since its early diagnosis can help to save lives (

CHARITY EVENT. Equilibrium Pilates donated free sessions for a charity event that took place on Sunday 18th September 2016 in support the Countess of Brecknock Hospice in Andover.

MK MASTER CLASS on Friday 15th January 2016. We had the great pleasure to offer in our studio a master class with the internationally renowned Pilates expert, Michael King. Michael brought a new class of Pilates movements sequenced together working alongside music focusing on the Principle of Flow. Michael is known for his choreography and creativity and this new session continued the journey of the method with both challenge and grace.

DANCEATHON Danceathon for Comic Relief took place on Sunday 1st March 2015 hosted by Equilibrium. As a group, we raised £670.00. A HUGE THANK YOU to those who sponsored and supported us for a great cause.

IN THE NEWS Equilibrium was featured in the Andover Advertiser issued on Friday 9th January 2015 (page 22).


Ferreira P H, Ferreira M L, Maher C G, Herbert R D, Refshauge K. 2006. Specific Stabilisation Exercise for Spinal and Pelvic Pain: A systematic Review. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 52: 79-88

Hodges P. 2008. Transversus Abdominis: A Different View of the Elephant. British Journal of Sports Medicine 42: 941-944.

Macedo L G, Maher C G, Latimer J, McAuley J H. 2009. Motor Control Exercise for Persistent, Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review. Physical Therapy 89 (1): 9-25.

Richardson C; Hodges P; Hides J. 2004. Therapeutic Exercise for Lumbopelvic Stabilization: A Motor Control Approach for the Treatment and Prevention of Low Back Pain: Churchill Livingstone (2nd Edition)

Tsao H, Hodges P W, Galea M P. 2008. Reorganization of the Motor Cortex is Associated with Postural Control Deficits in Recurrent Low Back Pain. Brain 131: 2161-2171.

Vasseljen O, Fladmark M. 2010. Abdominal Muscle Contraction Thickness and Function After Specific and General Exercises: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Chronic Low Back Pain Patient. Manual Therapy 15 (5): 482-489.

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